Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Morning Movie Trivia, among other things...

Ok, I'm going absolutely bat-shit crazy trying to find the name of a movie....

Remember when I asked you to help me find the name of that book about the little runaway girl and her imaginary friend, Squire Hemon Monk? And remember how you sucked ASS at helping me find it?

I'm hoping you'll do better this time... because I have faith in you, that's why!!

There was a movie on television, when I was young... It was about a boy, whose mother, (and I don't remember WHY) closed him off in some hiding space inside her house. Then she died. There were other people who moved into the house, and I remember the boy watching them through tiny little pinprick holes in the walls...

And that's all I can remember. I don't remember the end of the movie, or if anyone else died or was murdered. I was a little KID, donchaknow!

Help me find the title, so I can find the movie... or at least a synopsis of the movie.

I'm thinking of hiding myself inside THIS house... 'cause, you know... watching the Husband try to flirt with Anna-Banana should be good for some giggles....

I'm kidding.

The Husband couldn't flirt if you glued one of his eyes shut in a permanent wink...

Speaking of The Husband...

I haven't reported anything new here, because there hasn't been anything new to report. I'm still here... He still has not said he DOESN'T want a divorce. I'm still too poor to find an apartment. For the time being, we've called a truce of sorts, and everything is calm. If I could make that last until Thing 2 graduates in June, I'll do it. If not.... well, I AM still determined to make my life work, with OR without him.

It would be a lot fucking easier if I won the lottery.

Thing 1 is back at school, WITH HER CAR, no less!! She reports that she hasn't had a bit of trouble, which is astounding, in itself. She's supposed to come home for Labor Day, which fills me with the kind of fear that only the mother of a 21 year old child who is "driving challenged" can feel...

Thing 2 starts back to school on Wednesday. Which is a good thing, as her drumming has reached a freakin' fever pitch inside this house. I took her shopping last week, and bless her pea pickin' little heart, everything she picked out was either on clearance, or on a very good sale.

Mamaw said a very weird thing the other day, but I forgave her instantly, as my middle name is "For God's sake, her husband just died, let it GO already"...

I was getting ready to leave her house, and she mentioned that the Husband didn't come down there early to turn on the coffeepot. I said "I fixed coffee this morning, and he just drank mine." As I hugged her goodbye, (which used to be awkward, but I AM a hugger) she said into my ear: "You better stop that... he's MINE". "I know," I said, "and you can HAVE him. But I'm not going to stop making coffee. I need it to SURVIVE."

That's all that's happening in MY neck-o'-the-woods. How have YOU been?


Avitable said...

I think you might be talking about The People Under the Stairs, but that movie's only about 17 years old.

melody said...

That isn't it. This was a "made for TV movie".

Anonymous said...

I think your time would be best served working on an alibi!

Sincerely Iowa said...

Hey girl-- I gave you a bloggy award on my site today!

Anonymous said...

Take it day by day, sounds cliche, but oh, so true. Take good care of yourself too. I need my coffee too, I totally get that.