Friday, August 15, 2008

Here's an interesting tidbit:

He chose divorce.


What the fuck do I do now?


Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a whole bunch of new oppertunities. Hang in there you can do it. We are pulling for you.


Sincerely Iowa said...

You make a choice too. Choose to put yourself at the top of your list of priorities.

You can do this.

Sheri said...

You make it happen and move foward. You are a strong, smart woman.

I've got your back.

Avitable said...

Get a lawyer and make sure you get what you deserve.

melody said...

Here's the fun thing: There isn't anything to get. Our house belongs to his mother, we rent.

He borrowed against his 401k to pay off HIS credit cards a year ago. There's nothing left for me to get THERE.

He changed bank accounts, and my name isn't on this one. I can guarantee you it will be empty as soon as I walk out the door.

Thing 2 will stay with her dad.

I will leave with my clothes and my books. And that's it.

Avitable said...

Doesn't matter if he changed bank accounts. Get a lawyer. You'll leave with alimony, too.

Anonymous said...

You post almost made me cry. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and I love it (when you post!).

I just went through a divorce, it was final in April and it was tough. But you can do it. You'll find that friends and family will be a great comfort...lean on people.

Burfica said...

what you do is pick yourself up by the bootstraps, lean on your family and friends and get the hell out of that toxic enviroment, and start to live for once.

Why is think 2 staying with her dad?? she doesn't want to go with you???

Stella Dean said...

Wow. No shit.

Like Avi said, get an attorney. Fight for what you deserve. You'll make it. You've been making it for years. I'm here if ya need to chat. xoxo Me

Angel said...

Oh boy. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said by your other wonderful commenters. Just hang in there!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree about the attorney. I am going through the same thing right now, except I've already had the bomb dropped on me.

I could offer you a million platitudes but being that I am there and none of them work, I will just say that I am extremely sorry and no matter what feelings you have...allow yourself to feel them 100%.

none said...

I'm sorry to hear about this turn of events. I wish you the very best..and yeah get a good lawyer.

Anonymous said...

You start living your life the way you want to. There's nothing more to lose girl. Get an attorney. Does your boss do divorces and if so is he any good?

I'm here if you ever need to talk.

It's time for you to be happy Mel. PAST time. He just gave you the freedom to do that.

baseballmom said...

Whoa. No kidding...I'm with Avitable--get what's coming to you, no matter what it is. You are going to do fine, and I think you'll find a whole new you--a happier one. I agree with all who said to start living for YOU have your girls, who will remain close to you, and that's all you need. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Honestly... you jump up and down, scream "Thank you God" and start living your own stress free life.

Mel - this is a happy day, I realize you're scared but you will get through it. You REALLY WILL!!! You can do this!

Unknown said...

Oh Anne, I'm so sorry. Divorce is hard, even if you have the kind of husband whose eyeballs you want to poke out with an icepick, (yea, I've been there). But it could be a good thing, if you let it!